Arduino And Fpgas In Electronic Circuits A Practical Zip
You know what, I have no actual application right now. I am just at the point of learning electronics that I am interested in higher speed circuits. I have the low-speed ones going well on breadboards and prototype boards using Atmel processors (and ARM by "cheating" with a Teensy 3.0 - too easy!) and Xilinx and Altera CPLDs. I just sent out my first PCB to be fabbed, which I did in DipTrace (sorry, I know you are an Eagle fan). It's a nothing-special low speed circuit with a ATTiny85 and 6 Adafruit 0.8" matricies and 6 MAX7219s. I want to do something harder and faster, I just don't know what. So I see that some ADCs are very high speed parts indeed, and I was wondering how signals are generally processed from those parts. And, in fact, many of these parts can be sampled from TI no problem:
arduino and fpgas in electronic circuits a practical zip
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This course is intended for professionals who want to simulate power electronic circuits with our FPGA-based solver: eHS. This toolbox provides the flexibility and speed required for very fast power conversion applications for HIL simulation.
So a higher inductance would seem to be better, as the ripple current is proportionally lower. However, it takes more wire to make a higher-value inductor, and the resistance will be higher. There are often limitations on how physically large an inductor can be as well; portable electronics often require circuits to be as small as practical, and sometimes as small as physically possible. In general, a peak-to-peak ripple current is chosen to be between 10% and 60% of the DC output current.
The Vacuum Tube in Computer HistoryThe vacuum tube holds a particularly significant place in the evolution of electronic computing. With the invention of the triode in 1907 and a flurry of subsequent improvements, computing pioneers finally had the means to create fully electronic digital logic circuits.
From Boole to Bits - Claude Shannon's Digital RevolutionClaude Shannon propelled computer engineering into the modern age in 1937 when he published a paper demonstrating that Boolean algebra can be applied to the design of electronic circuits to express any mathematical or logical function.