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Joshua Moore
Joshua Moore

Revitalvision Software

RevitalVision is used to improve vision in amblyopic children over 9 and adults as a standalone therapy and when patching is no longer effective! It is the only FDA-approved treatment with efficacy claims for adult amblyopia ages 9 and up! Other amblyopia software programs are mostly used to treat children when patching therapy may still be effective and are not indicated as a standalone therapy. They are indicated to be used in combination with patching in children. Additional amblyopia software programs are used to treat convergence insufficiency.

Revitalvision Software

While a clinic purchases software licenses from our company, the patient buys a therapy program from the clinic. The price value for the patient therapy package includes (1) a Software license valid for 80 sessions or 1 year - the earliest (2) 3-4 eye/vision examinations - baseline + follow-ups, (3) In-clinic guided session optional (4) Technical support through the license period (5) Training monitoring (6) Warranty. The price does not include new optical correction if needed.

For clinics, we offer monthly or annual subscription plans to purchase RevitalVision programs. Prices vary according to the treatment category and subscription plan. After you register your clinic you will receive access to our pricing and plans. Patient recommended prices vary between countries. For more information on pricing please contact your local RevitalVision distributor or the company directly at .

Once the preliminary program is generated, the patient downloads the RevitalVision software on his or her computer, and then may begin using the system at home. Then, upon completion of the treatment program, the prescribing eye care provider performs a final examination.

RevitalVision announced that its standalone therapeutic vision training software, the only FDA-approved product for market, and clinically proven to improve vision in adult amblyopia (age 9-plus), received a unique Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) reimbursement code from the American Medical Association (AMA).

We are a digital health company with a unique therapeutic software, which improves vision in patients suffering from different eye diseases & visual impairments, when no other alternative treatment is available or effective.

Talshir Medical Technologies Ltd, is the global owner andmarketer of RevitalVision technology. The company developsand manufacture a unique patented training software, which improvesbrain visual processing, resulting in long lasting vision improvement.RevitalVision technology addresses the needs of hundredsof millions of people worldwide suffering from differentvisual impairments and who, until now, had no effectivealternative solution to improve their condition. RevitalVisionis now focusing efforts in testing the efficacy ofRevitalVision on different types of eye disease and visualimpairments. We have a strong commitment to the scienceof improving vision and helping people throughout the worldregain and maintain their eyesight.

We are happy to announce the release of our new web vision training software application with RevitalVision new branding. This advance software, which is designed to improve vision by improving the brain visual processing, is easier to use and provides better patient feedback.

Revital Vision is a clinical therapy that is said to focus on the brain's visual processing in improving bad eyesight. This therapy is opined to assist in amblyopia, reading with glasses, low myopia, post-cataract surgery, sports vision, Lasik, and other eye diseases. Revital Vision is accessed by taking up the software program on the company's website to achieve the desired results.

Luminopia One (from Luminopia in Cambridge, Massachusetts) is a new prescription digital therapy software for kids 4 to 7 years old who have amblyopia associated with anisometropia and/or mild strabismus. Luminopia One works by visually modifying any of a library of popular TV shows and movies for a young patient to watch through a virtual reality headset. The software alters the images seen by each eye in a way that requires the brain to combine the images, strengthening visual processing, promoting increased use of the weaker eye and encouraging the eyes to work together.


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